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Supergenix DNA is dedicated to

empowering and transforming

Lives through the power of precision genetics

With our DNA test, you can unlock the secrets of your genetic code and gain valuable insights into your health. Supergenix DNA uses cutting-edge technology to analyze your DNA and provide personalized reports that can help you make informed decisions about your lifestyle, diet, and healthcare, so you can live longer, healthier, and better lives. Supergenix DNA provide comprehensive services and solutions, from testing to genetic counseling, to support individuals in their revolutionary DNA journey.

 Leading Geneticists

Leading Geneticists

Founded by a group of leading geneticists and researchers

 Latest Technology

Latest Technology

Equipped with the latest technology in genomics

Award Winning

Award Winning

Award Winning Genomics Technologies

<span style="color:#1C9F9A">VISION & </span><span style="color:#0F68A3">MISSION</span>


Supergenix DNA envisions a world where genetic insights are as mainstream as a blood test or an ultrasound, and our mission is to make a meaningful impact on people's lives by helping them benefit from genetic science.

At the heart of our mission are three core values: trust, accuracy, and passion.

We are dedicated to delivering dependable and precise insights, upholding scientific rigor, and tirelessly seeking innovative solutions that make the power of genetics accessible to all, with the ultimate goal of enhancing people's well-being.

Your Privacy Our Priority

We strictly adhere to ISO 27001 and use Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

We also strictly comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) of Malaysia and HIPAA

ISO 27001

ISO 27001

Adhere to ISO 27001



We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL)



Comply with Personal Data
Protection Act



Comply Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act

We strictly adhere to ISO 27001 and use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology in data protection to ensure your genetic data is in safe hands.

We also strictly comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) of Malaysia and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations, to guarantee that your data is protected under the highest standards of data protection laws.

At no point do we access, sell, lease, or share your data without your consent.

We prioritize your comfort throughout the process, and you have complete control over how your genetic information is used and who has access to it. All data is stored locally in Malaysia, providing an extra layer of security and ensuring that your genetic data is safeguarded to the highest standards.

<span style="color:#1C9F9A">WHY </span><span style="color:#0F68A3">SUPERGENIX?</span>


Accurate & Reliable

Our test is validated internationally and complied to clinical grade ISO17025 and ISO15189 standards. We utilise the latest genomics technology and databases, making it more reliable and accurate than older methods.​


We analyze >650, 000 biomakers to provide a more complete picture of your genetic makeup. Most DNA test in the market only covers around 50,000 biomarkers.

Most DNA test provides up to 500 reports. Using our proprietary algorithm and latest database, we can generate > 1700 reports.

All reports are reviewed and evaluated by medical expert to include insight into your wellness, health risks and drug response. 

Customized and Personalized

We provide personalized and recommendations into your health and wellness

Access to your personalized insights and recommendations on how to optimize your health and wellness, any time any where

Personalized insights & Recommendation

Your report can be upgraded to provide more information or updated results as data become available.

Upgrade your DNA based on need

The test report is easily accessible and understandable for individuals who may not have a background in genetics or science.

Easy to understand DNA test report
